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Tomorrowland Week 2

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25. Juli 2024

EDM, Techno



Tomorrowland ist ein Festival für elektronische Musik mit rund 400.000 Besucher (2019), bei welchem an drei Wochenenden im Juli Menschen aller Länder tanzen und zusammen leben.

Tomorrowland findet in der Stadt Boom, Belgien statt.

"We are...

The People of Tomorrow. We believe in enjoying life to the fullest without having to compromise everything. We are responsible for the generation of tomorrow and respect each other and Mother Nature.

We believe...

in a commitment to create a reality that relates positively with Mother Nature and contributes to the well-being of the next generations. Let’s engage with each other and do something good today, for which we will be grateful for tomorrow."


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Tomorrowland Week 2

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